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Fears and Phobias

What is a phobia?

Phobias are far more common than many people realise. It is estimated that more than 11% of the population have some kind of irrational fear.


A phobia is an irrational fear, a fear without good reason. People with phobias experience unwanted responses to animals, insects, objects, actions or places.


The physical response is known as a stress response. People often describe their reaction to something as being ‘paralysed with fear’ or ‘having butterflies in my stomach’ or ‘just wanting to run away’ from whatever is triggering the response.


Those with phobias often know that their response is irrational, making it harder to understand or accept. People often manage their phobia on a day-to-day basis by avoiding the trigger and they only contact a hypnotherapist when it becomes a serious problem or significantly impacts on their life.


Sometimes people are prompted to take action because they don’t want to pass on their phobia to their children.


The most common phobias seen by hypnotherapists are:


  • Fear of confined spaces

  • Fear of dentists

  • Fear of dogs

  • Fear of flying

  • Fear of heights

  • Fear of needles

  • Fear of pregnancy

  • Fear of sickness

  • Fear of spiders and other insects

  • Fear of water   


I have an effective range of different therapeutic tools to benefit clients with a phobia or fear. My  approach may also depend on whether the root cause of the phobia is known, how it is viewed by the client and how receptive the client is to change. Phobias can often be resolved or reduced in one or two sessions.


5 Star 🌟 Review from Freya K 

"I booked a hypnotherapy session with Vicky at The Body Clinic to help start my journey of overcoming my phobia. I felt reassured from the off as she sent me some interesting information about hypnotherapy before the session helping me understand what to expect. As soon as I walked through the door I felt comfortable and safe, Vicky was welcoming, kind and just altogether amazing. Starting this journey was a big decision for me and after one session with Vicky I was already feeling so much more confident in myself and ready to take the first step in challenging my phobia."

shadowy fear figure
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